Sunday 10 October 2010

Prelim Task

For our prelim task we had to film a short sequence involving a person walking through a door and a few lines of dialogue, enabling us to practice continuity editing. We were asked to include shot reverse shot, match on action and the 180 degree rule in our sequence.                                                                         
Our first shot was an establishing shot of Charlie walking up the corridor. We used a panning shot to ensure that he was visible throughout the shot although there was a moment were his head is slightly cut off due to us not being able to move the camera back any further or zoom out any more. It then shows a close up of him turning the door knob and then it cuts to show him opening the door from the inside and walking into the room. This is a match on action shot as it shows an action from two different views and shots. The second shot begins in the same stage of motion that the first shot ended at.
We also included a shot reverse shot during the dialogue although it wasn't perfect as one person was sitting and the other standing so the camera did jump around a bit to work around the different heights in the shots.
We applied the 180 degree rule correctly as the characters maintained the same left/right relationship to each other throughout the scene.
To improve on our scene we could have included a wider variety of shots such as a two shot and an over the shoulder shot which could have been an effective shot to use during the few lines of dialogue. We could have also made the editing a lot smoother by spending a bit more time cutting one or two of the shots down a bit further such as the closeup of the door knob which is a little too long. Rather than just ending the scene how it looked we could have faded itout into blackness which would have been more effective.
Overall, there were a lot of improvements needed but I learnt how to use the editing programme which I had not used before and I became more confident in all aspects of creating an opening sequence.

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