Sunday 19 September 2010

I got my first mobile when I was twelve. It was pink - thats about all I remember. I didn't use it for much - mainly for playing games with since I never had any money for credit. I think I've had four different phones since then. I now have a sony ericson which I use for texting and phoning people.

I got my first email address at about eleven. I didn't - and still don't tend to email people since there are so many other ways to communicate with people through the internet. I prefer msn or facebook because you don't have to wait for a reply like you do with emails. If I do send emails its usually to family or friends who live far away.

I probably first used a computer at about seven. I now have a laptop which I use all the time. I spend at least a couple of hours online most days. When I was eleven I probably used the piczo website the most. When I was thirteen probably bebo and fifteen, facebook. I have two online presences; facebook and msn.

In the future I think technology could start to dry up. Theres only so far you can develop a computer and at the moment the most advanced one out there is probably the MacBook and yet they're too expensive for the majority of people to afford.

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