Sunday 17 July 2011

Star Image

"A star is an image not a real person that is constructed out of a range of materials"

Richard Dyer

Gwen Stefani
Love. Angel. Music. Baby.

This shows her as a star as her hair and makeup are very stylish with possible references to Marilyn Monroe or Madonna, both huge stars.
The Dyer concept could apply to this as the image is blurry, suggesting an element of surrealism.

The Sweet Escape

Shes very sleek and stylish here with the diamonds and sunglasses. It looks quite heavily photoshopped - something that is related to the star image. It also relates to the Dyer concept again as it makes her less realistic.The suggestion that shes naked may appeal to men

The Sweet Escape

Shes dressed as a prisoner with the stripes and handcuffs but in a stylish way. She is known for her unique style and that linked with the narrative of escape and the cover showing her in prison suggests she has a nonconformist attitude.

4 in the Morning

This is more stripped back and simple than the others. Shes dressed in a white t-shirt. This may be appeal to the mass audience as she still looks like a star but because of the simplicity she is more relateable to normal people. Its mostly black and white which is now considered a modern way of showing photos etc. I don't think this cover relates to the Dyer concept due to its simplicity.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Music Video Analysis

Outkast - Hey Ya!

Genre Characteristics:
Hip-hop - connotes modern music, rap, influences of other music including soul, jazz, rock and blues.

Relationship between lyrics and visuals:
Some lines relate to the actions such as "Shake it like a Polaroid picture" but theres no real narrative as its done like a real performance. Some lines are directed at an audience, which fits with the video as there is an audience. Eg:
"Hey, alright now
Alright now fellas, (YEAH!)
Now what's cooler than bein' cool?

Relationship between music and visuals:
The band and audience dance and clap in time to the music and movement stops when the music pauses.

Close-ups of the artist and star image motifs:
The video mocks the star image with the exaggerated screaming girls and the drummer wearing a crown and no shirt plays on the stereotype of rock stars.
The album title 'The Love Below' is printed onto the drums.

Reference to the notion of looking:
We see the performance through on black and white camera screens. The audience is layered, with the audience in the video, the audience watching at home and us, the real viewers.

Intertextual References:
The video is based on the Beatles' landmark performance on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1964, though it is set in London..

The performance is mostly concept based with the concept of performing it like it was a performance on a TV show. It is also performance based: Andre 3000 plays the eight band members and the audience also play a part with one girl running onto stage and another fainting. Theres no real narrative.

The Polaroid Coorporation used the well-known line 'Shake it like a Polaroid picture' to rejuvenate their brand and the public's perception of it being old-fashioned as the song by a modern band made it seem more fashionable.

The dialogue at the beginning of the video helps build up towards the actual performance like it would on a real TV show. It also gets the duo's other member, Big Boi into the video as he doesn't actually perform in it.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Music Videos

First Music Video
 In 1926, with the arrival of “talkies" many musical short films were produced. The ‘Spooney Melodies’ was created by Warner Bros. Five were made between 1930 and 1931 but only one is known to have survived. This is ‘Cryin’ for the Carolines’ and features Milton Charles singing as well as art-deco style animations.
First Popular Music Video
Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody is considered the first popular music video. When the song was released in the UK in 1975 the band were on tour abroad and couldn't make it to Top Of The Pops each week when it reached no.1 so they created the video to show instead.
Top of the Pops
 1st January 1964 - 30th July 2006
The first show was hosted by DJ Jimmy Savile and featured music from The Rolling Stones, Dusty Springfield, The Hollies and The Swinging Blue Jeans
That weeks number one was The Beatles with 'I Wanna Hold Your Hand.‘
During the 70s it attracted 15 million viewers each week.
All performances were mimed until July 1966 when it was banned though it later became a choice for the artists and most decided to sing live as miming had caused a lot of embarrassing problems.
MTV (music television)August 1st, 1981
"You'll never look at music the same way again,"
Michael Jackson - December 2, 1983
This 14 minute music video to ‘Thriller’ is often regarded as the best music video ever, directed by John Landis. Guinness World Records named it the "most successful music video", selling over 9 million units. In 2009, the video was inducted into the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress, the first music video to ever receive this honour, for being “culturally, historically or aesthetically” significant. It features Michael Jackson and former Playboy model Ola Ray and was choreographed by Michael Peters.
Michael Jackson was a practicing Jehovah’s Witness at the time so the video includes a disclaimer by Jackson stating that, "Due to my strong personal convictions, I wish to stress that this film in no way endorses a belief in the occult."
Impact of Digital Technology on the Music Industry
Online Promotion – artist blogs etc.
Digital Technology lead to the use of digital tapes for recording and CD media for release.
It has resulted in piracy and improvements in technology have made this harder to control as well as making piracy of a better standard.
Storage devices make music clearer and easier to listen to.
Online sales of music make it easier and cheaper to buy.
Youtube made it possible to watch music videos online without having to buy them or wait for them to come on programmes such as MTV.
American network based in New York City. The original purpose of the channel was to play music videos guided by on-air hosts known as VJs or video jockeys. The first video played was Video killed the Radio Star’ by The Buggles.

Sunday 10 April 2011


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

We established our genre as a thriller in the opening by using conventions of thriller films such as low-key lighting in certain scenes such as the one where the killer puts on the mask. We also incoorporated the convention of a male killer though we developed it by having two. We challenged it by also having a female killer. This hopefully would give the audience the idea that anyone can fall into a murderous state of mind, hopefully making it more sinister. Having three killers rather than just one built on this idea as it shows the extent in which people can be influenced by their peers as one of the killers must have inititated the idea of the crimes and the other two followed.

Another convention of thriller films is the innocent victim(s). The victims in our films fit this convention as they are just ordinairy school kids but we developed on this as there is a whole classroom full of victims and although not all of them would play a largely significant part in the full plot, more than one or two would so it would stand out from the norm.

We incoorporated the enigma code into our film in scenes such as the three killers becoming two, and then one. This hopefully leaves the thought of wondering where the other two have gone in the audience's mind.
Although we wanted our film to be original and stand out from other thrillers, we felt it important to include some conventions of thrillers so that the audience would immediately know what genre it was.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
All the characters in our film represent the age group of between 16 and 18 so the characters are all relateable to the target audience of 15-24 year olds. Both genders are represented equally as there are both male and female killers and victims.

The killers could represent the social group of outcasts as their behaviour points towards someone with mental health issues, a minority group that is often discriminated against in society. These types of people have often been in the news for committing similar crimes, more so in America such as the Virginia Tech Massacre and the Columbine High School Massacre so our film would relate to real life events and people that know about these events would be more interested in the characters in our film.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The basic idea of our film is similar to some produced by major Hollywood studios such as the Scream franchise and the large amounts of editing we used is more like the amounts used in major studios. In this way it would be that type of institutuion that would distribute our film. However, because it is a British thriller with a non-existent budget, it would be more successful if aimed at purely a British market, so it would be more likely that an Independent British company distributed it such as Film4. There isn't a huge amount of well-known British thrillers being produced so ours would stand out and not have many competitors.
It does offer opportunities for franchise as its similar to the Scream films which there are currently 4 of. Lots of merchandise is sold relating to these films as well so there is potential for this too.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our primary target audience is 15-24 year old males and the secondary is the same age group for females. The reasons for this are that they are around the same age as characters in the film so can relate to them and it hopefully makes it more sinister as it suggests it could be them in that position of the victim. Similar films are the Scream films which appeal to the same age group because of their use of young actors, who are often well-recognised by the target audience, playing characters of roughly that age group too.

How did you attract/address your audience?

Scenes showing the victims in the classroom would be built on during the whole film and this would hopefully give the audience the impression that it could be them in that position, making it more exciting and scary.
Our target audience is the technical generation so we attracted them by using lots of effects in our opening as well as characters of that age group as both the victims and killers. Our film relates to current events that may be of interest to our target audience such as the High School and university massacres in America that happened within the last few years. We could have done more of this with the camerawork as most shots were fairly simple though we did use a wide variety of shots.
Our audience will relate to the film because of our choice of mise-en-scene. The killers are dressed in hoodies which are typically associated with gangs and youths though often its just a fashion statement and not intended as a threatening look. People who wear hoodies have a bad reputation and this is down to the people like the killers in our film and not just anyone who wears a hoodie. However, we had the killers in hoodies more to hide their identity than to make them look like stereotypical youths.
The soundtrack we used would attract the target audience as it has a modern, technical sound to it. The use of effects on the text would attract that age group as well.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

 The camera equipment we had was good because it was very simple to use so we didn't waste any time having to work out how to use it. The only problems we had was the CCTV style shots. The tripod wasn't tall enough so we had to put it on a chair. It took a bit of time getting it in the right position as we didn't want it looking wonky but we eventually did it.
The Adobe Premiere Elements editing software we used had some good effects which enhanced our thriller. It looked more professional after we added things like the fade and dissolves. We replicated the CCTV style shots to make it look more like CCTV. We wanted to put four different pictures in but the technology didn't allow us to. The only problems we had were getting the credits to look interesting because the effects didn't work very well on them because it was just a black background. We used the earthquake and ghosting effects but they didn't look as dramatic as we hoped they would.

We chose a soundtrack that was used for the 'Seven' opening. We managed to get parts of it to fit well with the actions in the opening such as the music speeds up at the same time as the zoom out speeds up. It was hard to get it to fit the diagetic sound with the non-diegetic as neither could be too loud or too quiet.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from the prelim to the full product?

I learnt how to use all the equipment to better effect in this task. I also became more confident in experimenting with things like camera shots. The most important thing I leanrt was how important the planning stage was as we didn't spend enough time on every aspect such as the storyboard and it didn't cause us too many problems in this task but on a much bigger product it would have done. If we didn't have a detailed storyboard the whole process would have taken a lot more time. My use of shot types like match-on-action improved during this task which reinforced how you can keep filming and then just edit out the bits you don't need to make match-on-action shots smoother.

Overall, I think our opening is very successful. Although aspects of it may be confusing to an audience as we might have taken the enigma code too far, the use of camera shots and editing was successful and I think we generally overcame the problems pointed out to us in the test screening of the rough cut.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Final Cut

Some errors occured during the rendering process; some of the text moved on the whiteboard. We also had diagetic sound of the door opening and tap running but this was lost when we rendered the video.

Changes from the rough cut:
We added some text onto the whiteboard as some people said it wasn't clear that they were in a revision session.
We touched up the end of the sequence so the title fitted better with the music and made it more dramatic.
We made one of the pans slower as people said it was too quick which made it confusing.

Audience Feedback of Rough Cut

We had a test screening where we showed people the rough cut of our opening and asked them to fill in a questionnaire.
The majority of people we asked were between 16 and 18. This was helpful as fit with our target audience but it didn't show us whether or not we could appeal to other audiences which would be needed to make the largest profit possible.  Everyone said the enjoyed watching films but only 2 people said their favourite genre was thriller. This allowed us too see whether our film would appeal to people who don't normally watch this genre as much as others.

The test screening showed us what improvements needed to be made. The main problem seemed to be that people didn't understand all of the opening and although we didn't want to give the whole storyline away just in the opening, we didn't want to alienate people by confusing them either.

The majority of people said the soundtrack fitted the film well. A few people said the titles were good but slightly boring. A good suggestion for improvement was to add in some diegetic sound. We had planned on doing this anyway but it reinforced the idea so we knew we needed to do it. Another suggestion was to slow down the camera pan of the classroom as it was too quick which made it confusing.

Rough Cut

Friday 25 March 2011

Screenshot 2

For this shot, we lowered the tripod so it was about a foot from the floor so it was level with Sam and Jess's feet. The purpose of the shot was to show impatience of the students and the time ticking away. This was meant to add to the suspense and build up. The editing process for this shot was simple - we just had to cut it down and add a fade transition so it looked smooth. The initial idea was to have it in time with the soundtrack so the sound of the foot tapping could be heard but the soundtrack we chose didn't fit wth this idea but it fit with other shots so benefited our opening more than one that just fit with the foot tapping would have done.

Screenshot 1

This screenshot features at the beginning of our opening as one of the students is making his way to the revision classroom. We placed the tripod on a chair so the camera would be as high up as we could get it in the corner of the ceiling in the corridor. This hopefully made it look like footage from CCTV. We didn't need any props and the only actor needed was Sam. In the editing process, we made it black and white and also added the 'noise' effect to make sure it was obvious it was meant to be CCTV footage. Unfortunately we were unable to put four different shots in so we just replicated the same shot four times so it looked like the CCTV screens.
We will use the media room for the location of the revision session. We can also use it for the scenes with the killers preparing as none of the room will be shown as they are all close ups. We can use the field for the shots of the killers approaching the college to ensure continuity.

Mise en scene
Lighting: we will use lots of low-key lighting especially for the scenes involving the killers. Although we can't shoot it at night we plan to darken the scenes during the editing process to make it more sinister as though it were night.
Costumes: The victims will obviously just be wearing what they would on a normal day. We also decided the killers would wear normal clothes - jeans and hoodies with the hood up. We also had one of the killers in a 'Scream' mask to introduce the idea of their obsession with the movie though it won't be explained in the opening. Their normal clothes will also add to the enogma code as it suggests that they could be anybody and that seemingly normal people can have these dark secrets or mental problems that nobody knows about.
Props; Scream mask, Knife, Watch.

We plan to use this as a non-diegetic sound throughout our opening:

The song was composed specifically for a film so its unlikely that many people will have heard it before or recognise it if they have. This will hopefully make the audience feel less comfotable than if they knew the song well which is what a thriller should ideally do.


Title: The Game
Genre: Thriller - elements of crime thriller and psychological thriller

Our film would have an ensemble cast so there is no one main character. The plot involves three killers (2 males and one female) and a classroom full of victims - some more focused on than others. In thrillers the killer(s) tend not to be the main character though their role is just as important in the plot but they are usually harder for the audience to relate to. We chose to challenge this convention as the killers in our film have just as big a part as the victims.
The killers in our film have formed an unhealthy obsession with typical teen-horror moies such as the 'Scream' series and 'The Strangers'. They idolise the killers in these types of films and plot to replicate the types of murders committed in them. We decided to name it 'The Game' because the idea of the killers playing a game with their victims as they have fun planning their crimes and later, committing them seemed very sinister. The plot will also focus on a few of the students as they try and survive the attack on their college during an after-school revision session.
The opening will not give much of this away but just show a series of cross-cutting shots between the killers preparing for their crimes and the students in their revision session.
Audience Feedback

We pitched our ideas to the group and the feedback we received showed that we needed to develop our characters. The killers needed a stronger, more definite motivation. We took this into account and adjusted our treatment.

Audience Profile
I think a thriller film needs to ideally be at least a 15 certificate to enable the filmmaker to use things like violence and references to things like drugs to make the film more exciting. For an 18 you can use more than just references like extreme drug use or swearing. The use of drugs, sex, language and violence need to be taken into account when deciding on an age certificate for our film.

We decided to place our film at a 15 age certificate. An 18 would be unnecessary and would limit our audience by an extra 3 years.

This will not prevent us from showing sufficient amounts of violence to make the film exciting and the violence is the only issue featured in our film regarding age certificates.
Our primary target audience is males aged between 15 and 24. The focus is mainly on males because they tend to enjoy this kind of violent film, however many girls enjoy this type of film too as well as the psychological elements so our secondary target audience is females of the same age range.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Screenshots - ideas


The Strangers

The masks worn by the killers gave us the idea to also have the killers in
our film wear similar masks. It's effect in this film, 'The Strangers' was an added sense of fear and the enigma code as the masks prevent the audience from knowing anything about the killers as we can't see their facial expressions. We hope to achieve the same effect in our film opening. The masks will keep the audience from relating to the killers, at least throughout most of the film during which they will not have any depth to their characters revealed, maintaining the enigma code and suspense.


Open Water
The film is shot with a handheld camera so the shots are very simple from a technical point of view. The film's simple technological approach was successful because there were no special effects taking away from the realism which enabled audiences to relate to the film more than those with lots of CGI and effects. It was the emotions of the characters in this film and the projection of these emotions onto the audience that made it exciting and not the use of effects. Although we have a tripod to use, our opening shots will still look similar to this because the level of technology available to us is similar. Also, we plan to use just a handheld camera in some shots such as the point of view shot when one of the killers is approaching the college.



The film opening for 'Se7en' is a montage of the killer doing various intricate jobs without showing more than his fingers. The fast-paced style of editing is successful as it contains the enigma code which immediately intrigues an audience. We chose to show lots of short shots of the killers in our film preparing for the job they are about to take on though we also plan to have it cross-cutting with shots of the students so it differs from se7en. We decided to not show their faces so the audience can't identify with them, at least not this early on in the film. This will hopefully heighten feelings of suspense and mystery within the audience. The opening of 'Se7en' hints at the role of the character shown without giving much away in terms of their motives and character which we also hope to achieve in our opening.

We plan to use a non-diegetic soundtrack throughout our opening. This worked in thrillers such as 'se7en' and Hitchcock's 'Vertigo' as neither contained any diegetic sound but they still intrigue and excite audiences. Obviously it will be difficult to find a track that fits our opening, even if the tone and mood are right it won't necessarily fit with the time as our opening will have some fast paced stop and start suspense so as we can't make our own track we will have to find one that fits the best.


The killers in our film will come across as very stereotypical in the opening sequence. They will wear masks such as they do in 'The Strangers' and 'Scream'. However, part of the enigma code we hope will be the reason and motivation for the crime which they will commit rather than the excitement and build up to the crime itself. The reason would possibly be that they have formed an obsession with films such as the ones previously mentioned and have a passionate desire to replicate these stereotypical teen-horror film type crimes.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Powerpoint - thriller screenshots and conventions

The Prestige

• Dark lighting adds to the enigma code.
• Sinister - woods are conventionally used as a scary location as they are deserted.
• Mysterious - don't know what the hats are there for or how they got there.

The Talented Mr Ripley

•Loss of identity suggested by the mirror.
•Suspense - expect something to come up from behind.
•Sense of threat - can't see whats behind him.


•Vulnerability of the woman being naked.
•Female victim is conventional thrillers.
•Suspense as you can see the shadow approaching.

Shutter Island

• Death
• Innocent victims (colour of dress) is conventional for thrillers.
•Supernatural – the colour of the blood suggests its not real and the floating ash.

The Box

•Villain with physical deformity
•Rich villain makes him seem more of a threat, powerful, intimidating
•Ordinary, innocent victims suggested by the colour of kitchen - yellow.

The Disappearance of Alice Creed

•Female Victims are conventional
•Male Villains

Black Swan

•Loss of identity suggested by the red eyes
•Fear - wide eyes
•Dark/sinister - red eyes, black, gothic clothing

When A Stranger Calls

•Sinister – victims probably innocent due to the normal setting, homes.
•Dark - enigma code, suspense
•Mysterious/enigma code – can't see whats happening clearly

Dirty Harry

• Urban setting
• Innocent victims -normal day in the city due to the cars and people walking around
• Hero accustomed to danger – the gun and suit

This shows the conventions of a wide range of thriller film openings, the most common being that the victims tend to be females unaccustomed to crime and there tends to always be a sense of threat created by suspense and mystery or the enigma code. We will take these conventions into account in our treatment.